Sam Pardee |

Captain Deep Dive - Wizard Headmaster

A white-cloaked wizard casting a spell that looks like 3 yellow banana chips Sam Pardee (author)

Hello and welcome back to captain guides! Today, school is in session and I’ll be happy to teach all about the wizarding ways of Wizard Headmaster.


Wizard Headmaster makes you want to take spells of course, so you should bias towards characters that also want you to do that. In the early game, I love characters like Mysterious Egg and Jealous Stepsisters who are great to buff up with spells while in the midgame characters like Ogre Magi and Two-Headed Wizard both pay you off for casting spells and help you cast even more spells!


The big payoff for Wizard Headmaster is of course getting your legendary mage ahead of schedule, and I tend to take spells pretty highly while playing Wizard Headmaster to help enable that. Lost in the Woods and You Meet in a Tavern are of particular importance here because they help you continue to add higher rarity characters to your board as you level up while also playing the spells you need to get your bonus mages. True Love’s Kiss is also a standout because it allows you to “level up” the characters that you’ve been buffing with your spells without having to replace them entirely.


For treasures, basically anything that helps mages or helps you cast more spells is going to be quite valuable. Bread Crumbs is a standout because it gives you essentially a “free” spell every turn that you can cast.

Additionally, treasures that help make your spells more potent are also going to be very useful; you’re going to be casting a bunch of spells anyway wouldn’t it be better if they were a bit stronger? Cards like Merlin’s Pointy Hat and Masterwork Scrolls both work wonders at making sure you don’t fall behind while you cast your spells and earn your bonus mages.

Deckbuilding with Wizard Headmaster

When I’m building a Wizard Headmaster deck, I love characters that let me cast bonus such as Chaos and Witchie Witch as well as characters that make my spells better like Nightshade. Let’s take a look at a sample decklist:

6 by 2 grid of the decklist listed below

Decklist: Beanie Baby, Plunder Penny, Chaos, Morgan Le Fae, Mysteria, Moppet, Nightshade, Genie of the Lamp, Ironcast Dragon, Madame Morible, Witchie Witch, Elm Minster

In the early game, Beanie Baby and Mysteria can both be big characters for their rarities to help you survive the early game while Nightshade and Plunder Penny can help you buff up your spells to help you set up and win the late game.

Chaos, Witchie Witch, and Moppet can help you cast bonus spells, and Genie of the Lamp and Ironcast Dragon can help you get paid off for targeting them with your juiced up enchantments. Madame Morible helps tie things together and make sure that you’re getting plenty of mages to work with, and Elm Minster can help close games out both with his awesome legendary treasure, and by buffing up your spells to new heights.

Let’s take a loot at another decklist:

6 by 2 grid of the decklist listed below

Decklist: Aladdin, Link, Chaos, Mysteria, Shanty, Calypso, Moppet, Nightshade, Order, Super Pan, Witchie Witch, Elm Minster

This is a more fae-focused deck that tries to use Link to buff up Mysteria, Shanty, and Nightshade. Shanty in particular is great to buff with your spells in the early game to help you pick up some quick Hunts. Order helps you find Nightshade more often and really get your spells going while the usual suspects of Chaos and Witchie Witch help you cast extra spells.

I hope that this quick glimpse into the wizard’s hat has helped you on your search for magical greatness. For now, class is dismissed so get back to playing Once Upon a Galaxy!

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