
Patch Notes: August 27, 2024

A lovable Australian Shepherd standing ona crow's nest of a ship looking through a spyglass at the stary night sky.

Welcome to Patch Day folks! For many of you, this will be your first as you joined us within the last month. All our developers are super excited to show all the amazing things we’ve been working on since our fantastic reception at GenCon. So without further ado, here is what has changed.

Big Changes

Smaller Changes

Card Changes!

Lots of art updates this patch. Keep an eye out for that fantastic new art and be sure to let us know which are your favorites!

Golden Ability Updates

When the following characters are gold, they now have...



Functionality Change

Card Changes Explained:

We’ve heard lots of your amazing feedback about the feelings generated by Barrel of Monkeys. While our dev team loves some of the dynamic gameplay that Barrel of Monkeys provides, being part of the shared pool means that the blowout moments it can create likely happens too often.

Moving it to the personal pool as a collectable card and increasing its rarity both means that you will see it far less frequently but more importantly it will be removed from the list of possible summons from cards like Santa Claus and Mech-a-Man which removes the largest surprise blowout moments.

We’ve also received similar feedback for Ogre Magi and the forced interaction with transform spells. While this is a fun and positive interaction, we know it can be confusing for new players. We are trying Ogre Magi at collectible for this patch to lower the frequency of this confusion.

Name Changes

Cut Cards

For this patch, we decided to cut the following cards:

They may return in future patches.

New Cards

Nesting Dolls - Farewell -- Summon a 4/4 Mama Doll that has: "Farewell -- Summon a 2/2 Baby Doll". (Epic Toy)

Sir Francis Drake -Hunt -- Get a random common treasure, then improve this ability. (Legendary Pirate Dragon)

Sorcerers Mop - When you summon a character, double its attack and health. (Legendary Mage Toy)

The KO Star - Buffs to your Villains are doubled. (Legendary treasure)

That's all we got for now folks! Come join the conversation on Discord and we wish you smooth sailings on those stary skies.

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